Hi, and welcome to my newsletter!

Who am I?

My name’s John Wesley Stammers. I love to write but perhaps spend a bit too much time reading, going to the theatre or watching film/TV. Sometimes I even like to share my opinions about all the above and more.

If you need some nouns to describe me, here are some good options: fiction author; poet; freelance writer; content marketer; book-lover; advocate for the arts and mental wellbeing.

My preferred description of myself: storyteller.

What’s my newsletter about?

Subscribers will get regular updates on what I’m working on and where to find anything I’ve written that you can read. Subscribers will also receive links to anything I’ve found interesting that I want to share, from great books and films to articles I’ve read or videos I’ve watched.

Why have I started a newsletter?

Fighting the ever-changing social media algorithms to get my content out there is a losing battle sometimes. But if you subscribe to my newsletter then you’ll always find me in your inbox when I have something to share.

Building a mailing list is also essential for building a dedicated following.

Plus it’s fun and flexible, an email is the closest thing we get to letters nowadays. When you subscribe, it’ll be like receiving a letter directly from me where I share my work and all the stuff that interests me.

How often will the newsletter go out?

Currently, I’m sending these out every two weeks on a Sunday.

Sign up now to receive the next issue in your inbox.

In the meantime, tell your friends!

Subscribe to John's Journal

A newsletter where I share the stuff that interests me, often focusing on reading recommendations, politics, mental health and the writer's life.